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SMART BATTLE BASE. Birth of the concept

In 2016, at the briefing of the International Laser tag Tournament, LASERWAR unveiled plans to create a new multipurpose device. It was a follow-up of the smart first-aid kit idea with advanced functions that allow you to use it as an universal device in scenario games. This device was supposed to be a godsend for the clubs, allowing to expand dramatically the game scenario limits, remaining within the budget.

In the beginning was the Word …

The announced device was supposed not only to perform function of stationary equipment installed at the bases, respawn or checkpoints, but also to play the role of a portable kit, capable of being a first-aid kit, a bomb or a container for storing radiation and biohazard materials – depending on the scenario and predetermined settings. Adding to these functions the ability to set belonging to a given team or seizing the device through a shot, the ability to destroy the device by enemy fire, activation by holding the button for the preset time and confirmation by a shot from a “living” player makes the scope of possible scenarios more than vast.

The appearance of the new device was also planned to be spectacular. The atmospherical device, which has easily recognizable features of its prototype – first-aid kit, had to look suitable on the battlefield, and in the ruins of the zombie apocalypse, and in the stalker zone. A powerful speaker, that can fill the game space with sounds, was planned to supplement with the OLED-display and user-friendly interface. The use of the device in the game was meant to be intuitive, through the use of conventional pictographic images, and convenient and quick adjustment of all the numerous parameters is possible in the field with no need for additional equipment.

With such promising goals, the development of a new device was started in 2016.

From Idea to Realization

From the very beginning work has been held in two directions - designers team has started working at the image of the future device and engineers have begun working through the technical specification for device’s functions. 

When it became clear that the device is going to surpass its prototype - first aid kit, in functionality, the concept has received new name — «BATTLE BASE».

There are three basic scenarios were made the basement of the «BATTLE BASE» functionality.

The device can work as «Support Base», being installed at the respawn point and sending out/radiating 9 types of commands: «Revival», «Doctor», «Ammo», «High Fire Rate», «Double Health», «Player Stun», «Disarmament», «Radiation», «Zombie» on a timer or touch of a button. Base can be neutral or belong to one team. Scenario configuration can be set up to regimen when the base owner is defined by the first shot. When base belongs to one team, the game with base destruction is available. In the configuration mode the points of strength, period of delay and time of respawn are set. When firing at the opponent’s base, its points of strength are decreased by the number equal to the power of shot. If the base runs out of hit points it is considered to be destroyed, and the game is over.

In the «Checkpoint» scenario, the device performs the functions of a «Checkpoint» itself. Initially, the checkpoint is neutral. The player initiates the takeover procedure by shooting the device. The more players shoot in the device, the faster it is captured. The seized checkpoint can give out impulses «Revival», «Doctor», «Ammo», «High Fire Rate», and «Double Health» for its team. It also could be configured to emit radiation pulse after hitting the device. А player of the enemy team should try to reassert control over the checkpoint. If a player of the opposing team began the capture procedure, а player of the owner team may prevent the seizing with a shot.

In the third scenario - «Bomb», work of explosive device is emulated with timer and confirmation of the activation/deactivation within a shot with possibility of full decreasing the strength points of the device.

One could ask - what is the difference between this device and the bomb «Crater»? The only difference is that the preset level of the device danger the can vary: conventional explosive, radioactive neutron bomb or biological weapon. Radiation algorithm and the damage effect commands depend on settings and type of the fatal impact is displayed by flickering icons of radiation, biological or other type of hazard. The device can also be used as container with timer for carrying dangerous substances, that should be delivered to some definite place, but it can be destroyed by the opponent.

As the number of features and settings available to change grew, the device changed its name to «SMART BATTLE BASE».
Meanwhile, designers continued to work on its appearance.
As a result, dozens of sketches were born, which were subjected to severe transformation.

It is an controversy that truth emerges from, and our new concept emerged from the tenacious and laborious work of the whole LASERWAR authors team. 

3D-printer was used to create the numerous case prototypes of the future device, and here, a year later, at the ILT-2017 was presentation of the new device models, which took the finalized shape and functionality.

We had a year of work from the model to the manufacture ahead of us. Our next article will be about how it was.

P.S.: all the photos attached to the article are just the prototype images of the new device. We will tell more about the serial product later.

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LASERWAR COMPANY is happy to present the unique Smart RGB-headband. This headband is the result of long and painstaking working process involving all the members of our team. It took more than a year to work out the final version. We are absolutely sure that the new band will have a tremendous effect on the game process making your dreams come true! But let us get down to the heart of the matter.



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