Company LASERWAR is well-known in the world market as reliable manufacturer of the laser tag equipment, whose production is purchased in 78 countries around the world. The purchasing of our equipment does not stop our relationships with clients, it is only the beginning. When you become our client, you receive LASERWAR company support for the lifetime of equipment.

Laser tag is the most high technological game in the world. Almost all achievements of modern engineering, optoelectronics, wireless communications and internet technologies are applied in new kits and equipment development, taking it to a whole new level. In 10 short years laser tag equipment has done a walk comparable with semi-centennial development history of another technical fields and continues its active development.
It would be impossible without active and productive collaboration with our clients, who set up the main course of the new equipment development and perfection of the existing one within their requests and expectations.
Treating our clients as equal partners is a guarantee of LASERWAR company successful development for 11 years now. Laser tag equipment is purchased by both people who use it to build their own business and professional players for whom laser tag is their lifestyle. We do not have occasional customers - we are aimed at long-term and productive collaboration. Our credo: “Everything to speed up your work”. Whatever support was required for our partners, we are ready to provide it.

Building Business with LASERWAR

We provide overall informative support for your club, beginning with a series of articles and other material for laser tag-business organization and You-tube channel «LASERWAR business-school», where we take a thorough and detailed look at all reefs and peculiarities in organization and conduct of business in game or rental clubs and laser tag arenas, speaking out of our considerable experience in laser tag.
All the software, supplied along with laser tag equipment for free, is developed considering its usage exactly in laser tag clubs. CYBERTAG-configurator is a finished tool to control indoor arena, while LASERWAR-UI, supplied along with equipment of X-GEN generation, will support outdoor arena work.
Our experts have developed especial program shell to control laser tag business - LASERTAG-CRM. Based on cloud computing, it covers all aspects of business-management - human resources questions, equipment tracking, finance, game statistics etc.Trial period gives you an opportunity to try this system to your own means.
CRMBecoming LASERWAR client, you obtain through us an honest partner, ready to become reliable support for your business even in case of force majeure circumstances. Things happen, but LASERWAR does not leave anyone behind.

Create your own style
Any club, outstanding in the crowd of competitors, should have its own style creating special atmosphere. Space design elements, promotional material, equipment and weapons may have its own unique appearance through the vest and bandage fabric colors assortment, application of logos and coloring at the weapon and additional equipment.
We provide clients with assortment of color combinations while ordering equipment and give an opportunity of additional coloring or logos, provide help in development of their own style and even create arenas “on a turn-key basis” upon the client’s request.
Create your unique style with LASERWAR!
Informative Support
Clients, who purchase sophisticated game equipment, need constant informative support, and LASERWAR specialists are always ready to provide our clients with it. We will respond to all your questions using any available communication channels: Skype, telephone, Viber or email. The gigabytes of information, descriptions, videos for usage of equipment and with detailed instructions for LASERWAR equipment repairing can be accessed by users anywhere in the world where Internet facilities are available.
LASERWAR specialists constantly work at perfection of our production and all the most recent versions of firmware are available at our site to download for our clients for free.

Guarantee and Service
All equipment produced by LASERWAR company has a guarantee of operability, and we are responsible for work of equipment during the guarantee period. Long lifetime of equipment is the basis of the company reputation, because for the clients our equipment is a business tool. And we are proud to note that in a number of clubs you can meet the very first examples of our equipment as well as new ones, and even the old ones are still profitable for their owners.
We provide the service maintenance of our equipment during its whole lifetime -- the modernization program allows to upgrade electronics and optical devices, update firmware and exterior view of the product at minimal cost for the owner. The spare parts for repair are often provided at cost price. Upon client’s request we can customize equipment. Application of exclusive logos within laser engraving or coloring will make your equipment unique and create the special style for your club.
Laser tag is dynamic and emotional game and equipment may quite often get damaged during the operation. Interests of the client require that the question of repairing is resolved as soon as possible, as time is money. Series of videos at You-tube dedicated to design and repairing with your own hands will help to spare time, as many issues may be resolved internally. However, if the equipment requires some serious repair, there are over 60 service centres around the world to come to rescue. Our company’s dealers and service centres will resolve any questions regarding spare parts or repairing at any continent.
Invitation to Collaboration
LASERWAR company welcomes creation of service desks outside of Russia. If you are qualified and ready for collaboration, we will provide you with all necessary info and technical support, documentation for equipment, spare parts and supplies for equipment maintenance. Considerable discount for equipment and spare parts for LASERWAR service centres will make this collaboration mutually beneficial.