Three scenarios
Two new styles

The Explosive Device Simulator, aka a nuclear case, waited for updates a long time. EDS has been at the peak of popularity among explosive devices for more than 10 years. The classic is still in our online-shop, but two gaming brothers have also appeared there. The updated nuclear case looks brutal and impressive.
The LASERWAR specialists managed to develop a new device for consumer requests, keeping the old format.
In Perimeter you will know the familiar style of 10th LASERWAR generation, Enigma is more suitable for ultramodern 11th generation. We have made two color variants that you can choose device to suit your taste and color.

The nuclear cases will not get lost at a large training ground. There is a clear 1.3-inch OLED display now, which is clearly visible in dim lighting. All settings and game parameters are displayed on it.
The most visible element on the panel is the segment indicator, your main time landmark. Noticeable in every sense, it catches the eye immediately when opening the case and is visible from a long distance.

It’s convenient to transfer the nuclear case through the training ground, there is a securely fixed handle for this. Even more possibilities of laser tag games are available for you, you need only to open the cover and turn the key.

It’s important for us that turning on the device, you don’t ask – what to do next? All movements on the menu are accompanied by a voice assistant.
A loud speaker is built into Enigma and Perimeter. Each setting is duplicated with a tooltip. More than 30 sound effects have been saved. You will hear a nuclear case up to 80 meters away.

One EDS scenario was replaced by as many as three: "The Judgment Day," "The Dirty Bomb," "The Secret Code". The device is deactivated with selecting a password, USB flash drive or a combination of these two options. A prerequisite is confirmation with a shot.
We have created all scenarios specifically for this device so that the nuclear case justifies its purpose and takes the game to a new explosive level.