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laser tag games. In search of a polygon
After you have purchased your laser tag equipment, the next question you should ask yourself is: where to play? In this article, you will find a few useful pieces of advice
laser tag games. In search of a polygon
Building a laser tag playground
A standard laser tag club without laser tag playgrounds (polygons) is unthinkable. In this article, we tried to focus on the subject of building playgrounds.
Building a laser tag playground
Main laser tag business mistakes
Owing a business requires attention and exceptional concentration from the entrepreneur during all the stages of its formation and development.
Main laser tag business mistakes
Laser tag in most populous cities: a million-dollar business or an extravagant hobby?
Despite the fact that laser tag has been steadily gaining popularity in Russia, it is still considered a relatively new type of business.
Laser tag in most populous cities: a million-dollar business or an extravagant hobby?
Laser tag vs. airsoft
We are happy to present you an article in which we compared laser tag and airsoft. It has been written by a person who knows a lot about recreational activities
Laser tag vs. airsoft
Indoor laser tag – soon in your city!
If you like to make the most of your time off, then you must have played a game of laser tag at least once. It is ranked high among other tactical games
Indoor laser tag – soon in your city!
Can kids join the game?
Nearly 50% of all phone inquiries that we receive at our club start with the question: “Can kids join the game?” The answer is “Yes”!
Can kids join the game?
All players want to make games as cool as possible. At the same time they would like the equipment to be as realistic as possible.
Laser tag vs. paintball
We would like to present your attention an article written by a person who is no stranger to laser tag and paintball – Vladimir Zamotin.
Laser tag vs. paintball
Laser tag: greater speed, range and precision
How many contemporary tactical games do you know? Let’s count together: paintball, airsoft, hardball and laser tag.
Laser tag: greater speed, range and precision
Types of laser tag
Indoor laser tag is a system that is used on a specially equipped arena.
Types of laser tag
Useful information for those who want to open their laser tag business
Play at pleasure, talk by measure
Originally “cosplay” (a contraction of the words “costume play”), is a performance art in which participants called cosplayers.
Play at pleasure, talk by measure
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