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Laser tag shooting range “wild west”: all that you wanted to know


Electronic shooting range “Wild West” - is an autonomous attraction, designed by LASERWAR company specially for the lovers of hitting the bull's eye!

Targets with unique design go together with any gun. “Wild West” is easy to take with you, so the game will take place no matter where you are.

The game set is equipped with the backlight and loud sound, and special software is easy to understand – even children can handle launching the game.

In this article we will tell you all the details about “Wild West”.


We will tell you for sure, that our electronic shooting galleries and other devices are safe. Shooting the targets of the shooting range eliminates injuries and damage.

Nearly 10 different scenarios develop useful skills in both adults and young players:

  • shooting at several targets simultaneously improves speed and precision of movements;
  • coordination is trained by simple exercises that are required to shoot and hit the target;
  • the gamers learn to concentrate their attention, because during the fight you need to stay calm and be focused on the target and movements;
  • even an hour spent in laser tag shooting range positively affects children eyesight, since shooting involves exercises to train the eyes - focusing on near and far objects;
  • shooting stance form straight and slender posture, “Wild West” game also strengthens the abs.


Laser tag shooting gallery is compatible with any type of gun from the LASERWAR store. The maximum number of targets used for a fight is 250 - that's how many devices are available for one game. However, for every 50 targets a USB base is needed.

For the stable work of shooting range, you need to make sure that that the targets are no further than 50-60 meters from the USB base.

The players can stand at different distance from the target – this parameter depend on the firing range of the tagger.

The delivery set includes:

  1. Electronic target - 4/8/12 pcs. (it depends on the version)
  2. Hornet pistol - 1 pcs. (optional)
  3. Radio base – 1 pcs.

Basic technical data


There is a special software, it is available for download on site.  The company took into account all wishes of customers after the first soft was launched, and it made an easy-to-use application with colorful interface, statistics and the ability to edit scripts.

The app is available for Windows computers, laptops, tablets, which have USB-port.

The software is available for download at the link.

Software download and service is for free.


  1. Download and install software for the shooting range “Wild West” from the LASERWAR website.
  2. Charge the targets and taggers.
  3. Connect the radio bases to the USB ports of the control computer.
  4. Turn on the targets. When turned on, the target display shows the settings - target number and channel number. All targets of one channel must have different numbers. The number of channels depends on the number of radio bases in your shooting range. If you have one radio base, the targets must be set to one channel.
  5. Launch the shooting range management program and check if all equipment is detected by the program.


You can launch the game indoors and outdoors. The software does not tie players only to the laser tag club, since the Wild West is a completely mobile attraction.

The electronic target is activated by a switch located on the top of the device. Once activated, the battery charge is displayed on the display at the bottom.

When the targets are turned on, they can be controlled using software. It is necessary to activate one of the scenarios suggested by the program.

To add players, you need to shoot at the target – the team color and ID are determined automatically.

 In the game history, the app displays statistics with all hits and winners. There is also a target testing button in the settings, which checks the range and quality of communication.


One of the most useful scenarios in the shooting range is training mode. It will help you improve your skills before the upcoming laser tag tournament or before a duel at the shooting range.

Al the necessary scenarios are chosen via “Wild West” software. The software is supplied with the shooting range by default.

Training mode

Number of players: 1


Number of targets: 1-250


You need to extinguish the lit targets as quickly as possible. When the game starts, all targets are lit, when you hit a target, it goes out, after the last one goes out, the cycle repeats.


Points: Percentage of average reaction time after all targets are extinguished. The maximum reaction time is 100 mc

Arcade shooting range

Number of players: 1-4


Number of targets: 1-250


You need to hit the target while it is burning in the color of the player's team.


Points: when you hit a burning target, your points increase by 1 point.


Number of players: 2


Number of targets: 4-250, even number


Players must repaint all of their opponent's targets. At the start, half of the targets are lit in the color of the first player's team, half in the color of the second.


When a player hits an opponent's target, it is repainted. When all targets are repainted, the cycle begins again.


Points: Number of cycles completed in the player's favor.


Number of players: 2


Number of targets: 4-250, even number


Players must repaint all of their opponent's targets. At the start, half of the targets are lit up with the color of the first player's team, half with the color of the second.


Unlike the "Confrontation" scenario, each target has so-called "strength points" - 10 points for each target.

When hitting an opponent's target, the strength points are reduced by 1 point. After hitting a target with one strength point, it is repainted in the color of the player's team.


When hitting your target, the strength points increase by 1 point, but when hitting your target with 10 points, their number is halved.


With each hit, the targets randomly swap places, maintaining their state (team color and points). When all of your opponent's targets are captured, a new cycle begins.


Points: the number of cycles completed in the player's favor.

Moving target

Number of players: 1


Number of targets: 2-250


You need to hit a moving target. A lit target "moves" only in two directions, without jumping over neighboring targets.


The direction and time that the target is lit is chosen randomly within certain ranges.


Points: for each hit on a lit target, the points increase by 1 point, if you miss, they decrease by 1 point.

Level up

Number of players: 1


Number of targets: 2-250


Players need to reach the highest level possible in the allotted time. The scenario "Moving target" is taken as a basis.


With each level, the time it takes for the targets to turn on decreases. Thus, the higher the level, the more difficult it is to hit the target.


When you hit, the level increases, when you miss, it decreases. The level is constantly displayed on the segment indicator of each target.


Points: correspond to the current level.

Color mixer

Number of players: 1-3


Number of targets: 4-250


You need to hit the target while it is lit with the player's team color. The scenario "Arcade Shooting Range" is taken as a basis.


Unlike it, the other targets are constantly lit with the colors of the teams not involved, changing randomly approximately once per second.


Points: when you hit a lit target, your points increase by 1 point.

Exactly the same

Number of players: 1


Number of targets: 1-250


The participant must accurately repeat the sequence in which the targets light up.


The scenario consists of two stages. First, the targets light up randomly for a short time, then they go out and the player's task is to repeat the sequence from memory.


The game mode begins with one target. If the shooter makes an accurate shot, then two targets light up in sequence, then three, and so on. If the hit is correct, the target lights up in the player's color - red, blue. If the participant misses - white.


The application displays the number of points, and the target indicators show how many targets need to be hit at the current stage. The number of levels is not limited.


Points: by the number of correctly repeated sequences.

Obstacle course

Number of players: 1


Number of targets: 1-250


This is a game mode of increased difficulty.


The participant must hit all the targets as quickly as possible within a certain time. At the same time, he must overcome dangerous obstacles along the way. For example, a destroyed bridge, a horizontal log, a barbed wire fence, a trench or an underground passage.


The next target to be hit blinks or lights up in the player's team color. As soon as the fighter hits the target, it goes out or lights up white - this can be configured in the application. After hitting the last target, the round ends and the turn goes to the next player. Only when all participants have passed the obstacle course will the scenario end.


The winner will be the one who can overcome the course in the shortest possible time and complete their round.


Number of players: 2-2


Number of targets: 4-250, even number


Goal: hit your group's targets faster than your opponent.


Shooters must hit the targets faster than their opponent. At the start, the targets light up in the player's team color, and when hit, they turn white. The hit target goes out and the next one lights up. The round ends when all targets are hit.


A signal will sound three seconds before the start.


Points depend on the number of hit targets.

The number and order of target lighting is calculated in advance and randomly.


The number of targets for the opponents is the same. Time is up, and the targets are not completely hit? Then the one who scored more points wins.



LASERWAR regularly expands the possibilities of laser tag, including improving software or weapons. Every update of any product you can see on the official website and in social networks. At the moment, several system upgrades of the mobile shooting gallery "Wild West" have been released.

So, in 1.1.3 version there has been added a new function - playing background music using a player. More details in the material.

In the latest June update of "Wild West", the developers improved the following points:

  • New function when adding players. The target lights up in the color of the player's team after the shot and shows his ID (if the ID is less than 100).
  • Sighting mode added. Shoot at the target with a tagger of any color and ID - the target will light up in the desired color for a second, and the shots will be counted on the indicator. The new mode is enabled in the application settings.

That is all! We did our best to answer all of your questions. The electronic shooting range “Wild West” is available for buying in our online store.

Conquer the world of western and play with LASERWAR!