The Enigma nuclear case is an evolution of the one known amongst laser tag players as the Interactive Game Base. The game set is a compact case with 3 scenario functions. It allows for in-game tasks such as bomb planting/defusing.
The device is switched on and reset by the instructor using a standard key. Players can only activate and deactivate the device using a password and a flash drive. If IGB is not deactivated on time, it will take all the 'lives' of nearby players.
- Cyberpunk style design in yellow tones.
- Impact-resistant black ABS plastic. The design includes a carrying handle.
- Enigma does not need to be connected to a PC for configuration: the parameters are changed in the Admin menu right on the playground. All information is displayed on two screens: a segment display (for timing) and an OLED display (for all menus, password entry, club name, etc.).
- Blast radius is up to 15 m indoors due to the large ceiling ricochet.
- Full sound effects and a voice guidance package.
- Integration into ALPHATAG and X-GEN scenarios via a built-in Wi-Fi module