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Privacy policy

  1. General provisions
    1. The ALPHATAG CONFIGURATOR application is developed by LASERTAG LLC
  2. Data collection
    1. The application does not collect personal information The application does not require the user to provide any personal, financial, or other private information and does not collect it during the use of the application.
    2. The application does not collect data about the user during its use. The main functionality of the application is designed to read and change the information that the application receives from the equipment of LASERWAR LLC. To achieve this goal, a Bluetooth connection to the equipment and local network facilities can be used via a wi-fi connection to the router without Internet access.
    3. Anonymous statistics to ensure the operation of the application In order to identify and correct application errors and failures, ensure stable operation and optimize the performance of the application, the application collects anonymous technical data about the operation of the application. Types of anonymous data that the application collects:
      a) Error reports Application crash log data, such as general technical information about the application, application version number, number of crashes, and other technical error data.
      b) Technical diagnostics Information about application performance, such as power consumption, load time, latency, frame rate, and other technical diagnostic data.
  3. Data transfer
    1. The application does not transfer the received anonymous statistics to third parties.
  4. Contact information
    1. If you have any questions, you can contact us at: