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CYBERTAG. Instruction for use

After buying the equipment an obvious question follows: how to set it up? «CYBERTAG» arena lasertag kits have no difference with any other technic. Therefore, we have prepared a presentation with helpful materials, which can help you to launch the devices.

To get this file, you need to contact LASERWAR managers. Our specialists will send you an active link.


We have taken into account the wishes of our clients and designed a presentation which has different units:

  • the «CYBERTAG» kit composition;
  • the instruction, how to configure the equipment;
  • the description of 22 scenarios and their editing algorithms ;
  • software for CYBERTAG;
  • working with CRM-system of LASERWAR;
  • assistance with the content in social media;
  • development of arenas’ design projects;
  • photos for business advertisement;
  • contacts of technical specialists and managers.

The key words are marked in slides, which have links embedded in them. When clicking them the access to the materials opens. Examples are given in pictures below:


Изображение выглядит как текст, Человеческое лицо, одежда, человек

Автоматически созданное описание


Изображение выглядит как текст, снимок экрана, Шрифт, линия

Автоматически созданное описание


Изображение выглядит как текст, Человеческое лицо, снимок экрана, девочка

Автоматически созданное описание                                                                                                                     


Many years of LASERWAR work experience helped to define the most popular question, which have not only beginners but also advanced users. In the second to last slide we have made a unit called F.A.Q. «CYBERTAG»:

Изображение выглядит как текст, снимок экрана, Шрифт, логотип

Автоматически созданное описание

When you follow the link you can get detailed answers on the following topics:

  • frequently asked questions about CYBERATAG;
  • equipment operation;
  • cost-effective laser tag business.

This part will let you to understand the given information from the previous slides more thoroughly. If you need additional information, contact our managers directly, not to have unanswered questions left.


The main advantage that arena lasertag has in the comparison with outdoor lasertag – it doesn’t depend on the weather conditions. You can get the profit all year round, without focusing on the seasonal rains or snowfalls.

Besides our clients lead successful business thanks to uniting related services: catering, animators, organization of holidays and corporate parties.

LASERWAR team is ready to do everything possible for its part to make your arena work effectively. Thank to this we create an excellent reputation, which speaks for the company better than the loudest and most beautiful words.