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Laser tag vs. COVID-19

Attention! The quarantine sale is over!

The coronavirus is making turbulences in the world, the economy is in panic. The Fed's rates have been lowered to almost zero. Everyone's waiting for industrial collapse, business losses.

The weak-hearted are joining the ranks of alarmists, the cautious are waiting, and the real business is working NON-STOP!

Never before have loans been so cheap and LASERWAR offers so profitable!

We offer a 10% discount on our equipment!

Here are 5 reasons to buy our equipment right now:

1. It's especially profitable now, thanks to cheap loans and our discounts.

2. Holding outdoor games is safer than playing in crowded arenas in shopping centres.

3. Active outdoor games strengthen your immune system and make you stronger.

4. Our region is among the wealthiest in terms of infection statistics - we have no cases of infection.

5. We have introduced the mandatory processing of orders sent by hard UV for your safety. Your safety is our concern!

Get ready for a quick start after the crisis period!